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Vorlesung TU for Future – Plants 4 Future: Fit Plants for Challenging Times
25.Januar 2023 um 19:00 - 20:30
Dr. Maria Pimenta Lange
Plants are fascinating living creatures. Since they are bound to their place of growth, they cannot escape and face different types of environmental stresses. These can be abiotic (e.g. extreme temperatures, drought or flooding) or biotic (e.g. caused by microorganisms or insects). But how do plants manage to survive? What happens to plants when they are exposed to unusual stress conditions, such as those caused by climate change? Crop production is very vulnerable to high temperature fluctuations, extreme drought, or extreme precipitation, which are becoming more and more common, affecting food and feed security.
In this talk, I will discuss plant stress management strategies and how we can help plants to better deal with stressful times. Results and concepts from colleagues‘ research and my own research will be discussed.
Maria Pimenta Lange, Institute for Plant Biology, TU-Braunschweig, and, Institute for Plant Protection in Horticulture and Urban Green, Julius-Kühn Institute, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants.
*Note: The lecture is in english. The following discussion is in English and German. / Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten. Die anschließende Diskussion findet auf Deutsch und Englisch statt.